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Orange Peel Sculptures (Multiple Projects)
(2017- )“I Want To Be You” (2017)
Medium: orange peels and threads
Size: 92”x10”x7”
“Orange Peel As Canvas As Painting” (2018)
Medium: hand sewn peels of 46 oranges, and 2 oranges and 1 tangerine which was donated on painted wooden canvas frame
Size: 25”x18”
“Lost and Found” (2018)
Medium: orange peels, threads, chicken wires
Size: 240”x12”, 72”x35”x35”
I am inside of orange peel, the skin. I am fresh blood and juice, the protected life, vulnerable and alive. I am infant. I am orange. I am orange and nothing else. No identity, ego, or idea of self, bulb of fresh and blood. Inside this coffin, I experience of death and being inside of womb. Then I started to think about orange peels and my own body.
The series of orange peel sculptures express the obsession and connection with orange. Started in 2017, the study of orange peel as material and as a concept was Haneda's main practice and motivation for creating art. The work is durational and meditative because of the material, the process, the work's decay, and semi-permanency, which reflects on the notion of body and nature.